Published: 2 March 2017
Tēnā koe
Welcome to the Law Commission's first regular newsletter. We hope it will help allow you to stay up to date with our work, and to have your say on law reform projects. We have listed you as a person who has either worked with the Commission in the past, has an interest in our work, or who has previously opted onto our mailing list. If you do not want to receive emails from us you can unsubscribe from our list at this link:
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The Tale of Tāwhaki and Te Aka Matua
Speaking at the Commission's 30th anniversary Justice Joe Williams told the story of the Law Commission's Māori name, Te Aka Matua o te Ture. Te Aka Matua refers to the parent vine that Tāwhaki used to climb up to the heavens to retrieve knowledge.
Listen to Justice Williams tell Tāwhaki's story
Commission launches second review of Evidence Act
Law Commission President Douglas White says a new review of the Evidence Act will look at many interesting issues, including those raised in the Supreme Court case R v Wichman [2015] NZSC 198; [2016] 1 NZLR 753.
Radio NZ Commissioned
Law Commissioners Donna Buckingham and Helen McQueen spoke to Radio New Zealand's Lynn Freeman on her programme The Weekend about the work the Commission does, and specifically about the Commission's current reviews of search and surveillance law and property relationship law.
Listen to the Radio NZ interview
Distributing property when a relationship ends
In 1976, when the Matrimonial Property Act 1976 became law, only one in five babies had unmarried parents. Today half of the babies born in New Zealand have parents who are not married.
Contempt of Court
The Law Commission has nearly finished its review of the laws of contempt. Contempt of court an ancient legal concept but essentially it aims to make sure that courts have the ability to provide justice that is impartial, fair and effective.
Search and Surveillance Act 2012
For the last eight months, the Law Commission has been working with the Ministry of Justice to review the Search and Surveillance Act 2012.