Law reform suggestions made to us

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Below are some areas of law that people have suggested for review in recent years.

Tell us your ideas about law that you think needs to be changed, simplified or modernised.


Year recommended

Recommender type


Accident compensation legislation 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Accident compensation legislation 2021-2022 Legal profession  
Accident compensation legislation 2020-2021 Legal profession Referred to the Minister 2021 
Adoption 2019-2020 Legal profession • Ministry of Justice review underway - proposals due 2023.
• Adoption of surrogate-born children considered in the Commission's Review of Surrogacy project, completed 2022
Anti-corruption  Commission 2022-2023 Private Sector / NGO  
Arbitration Act 1996 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Arbitration Act 1996 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission   
Artificial intelligence 2020-2021 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  Research pending. Preliminary research undertaken; futher research pending
Artificial intelligence 2020-2021 Academic Research pending. Preliminary research undertaken; futher research pending
Artificial intelligence - large language methods 2022-2023 Individual Research pending. Preliminary research undertaken; futher research pending
Birth registration  2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  
Charities 2022-2023 Legal profession ​Assessed - not proposed and not supported for work programme.
Charities 2021-2022 Legal profession  
Charities 2021-2022 Legal profession  
Charities 2020-2021 Legal profession Provided comment to the Minister 2021
Charities 2020-2021 Legal profession Provided comment to the Minister 2021
Companies Act 1993 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  Referred to the Minister 2022
Corporate liability framework  2022-2023 Legal profession  
Corporate liability framework  2021-2022 Public sector  
Crimes Act - Section 66(2) (party liability)  2021-2022 Academic  
Criminal disclosure 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  
Criminal misconduct in office 2021-2022 Individual  
Criminal Procedure (Mentally Impaired Persons ) Act 2003  - Section 34 2021-2022 Legal profession  
Cultural reports for sentencing 2022-2023 Legal profession Research pending
Cultural reports for sentencing 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission Referred to the Minister 2022
Declaratory judgments 2022-2023 Legal profession Withdrawn from work programme 2019-2020
Declaratory judgments 2020-2021 Legal profession Withdrawn from work programme 2019-2020
Defamation 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Defamation 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Defamation 2021-2022 Media Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defamation 2019-2020 Legal profession Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defamation 2019-2020 Academic Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defamation 2019-2020 Academic Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defamation 2018-2019 Legal profession Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defamation  2021-2022 Individual Referred to the Minister 2021 and 2022
Defence of duress  2021-2022 Academic  
Designing offence provisions 2021-2022 Public sector  
Digital property on death 2020-2021 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  
Directors' duties 2022-2023 Legal profession Overtaken - A member’s bill on director’s duties (the Companies (Directors Duties) Amendment Bill 2021 was introduced. 
Directors' duties 2020-2021 Private Sector Companies Act 1993 review referred to the Minister 2022
Emergency preparedness 2020-2021 Legal profession Study Paper 23: The Legal Framework for Emergencies in Aotearoa New Zealand published 2022
Employment Relations Act 2000 / processes of the Employment Relations Authority  2019-2020 Individual  
Evidence 2021-2022 Legal profession Included in the Commission's third statutory review of the Evidence Act 2006 in 2022
Evidence 2021-2022 Academic Included in the Commission's third statutory review of the Evidence Act 2006 in 2022
Evidence 2020-2021 Legal profession Referred to the Minister 2021;
Included in referral of the third statutory review of the Evidence Act 2006 by Minister 2022
Evidence 2020-2021 Legal profession Referred to the Minister 2021;
Included in referral of the third statutory review of the Evidence Act 2006 by Minister 2022
Evidence 2019-2020 Judiciary Referred to the Minister 2021;
Included in referral of the third statutory review of the Evidence Act 2006 by Minister 2022
Family law treatment of multi-party relationships / non-intimate relationships  2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  
Freedom of information 2019-2020 Academic  
Genomic discrimination 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Governance models for statutory entities 2021-2022 Public sector  
Human Rights Act 1993 2022-2023 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission ​Some Human Rights Act issues referred to the Commission by the Minister in 2022 and 2023
Leasehold land 2021-2022 Individual  
Legal aid 2021-2022 Individual  
Litigants in person - costs 2018-2019 Judiciary  
Lobbying regulation 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Media freedom 2021-2022 Academic  
Minimum age of criminal responsibility 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Minimum age of criminal responsibility 2020-2021 Other expert Overtaken - work being done by the Office of the Children’s Commissioner 
Professional regulation 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  Referred to the Minister 2022
Retirement village law 2022-2023 Legal profession Overtaken - Act to be reviewed in 2023 by Ministry of Housing
Retirement village law 2020-2021 Public sector Overtaken - Act to be reviewed in 2023 by Ministry of Housing
Review of Substance Addiction (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 2017  2020-2021 Legal profession  
Rights of disabled people 2019-2020 Public sector  
Sovereign immunity 2021-2022 Legal profession  
Te Ture Whenua Māori Bill 2016 2021-2022 Judiciary ​Referred to the Minister 2021.
Terrorist act - offence to plan to commit 2020-2021 Judiciary Referred to the Minister 2021. Superseded by the Counter-Terrorism Legislation Bill introduced 13/04/2021.
Testamentary capacity 2020-2021 Legal profession  
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Act 1997 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Treaty of Waitangi - clauses in legislation 2022-2023 Legal profession  
Treaty of Waitangi - clauses in legislation 2020-2021 Academic Referred to the Minister 2021 
Treaty of Waitangi - development of post-settlement governance entity frameworks 2022-2023 Public sector  
Treaty of Waitangi - update to the Cabinet Office guidance 2021-2022 Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission  
Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 2022-2023 Māori Liaison Committee  
Trustee company legislation 2021-2022 Private sector  
Unified review of criminal law and procedure 2019-2020 Legal profession Forwarded to the Minister's Office 2020
Whistle blowing 2019-2020 Academic Overtaken by the enactment of the Protected Disclosures Act 2022